Wednesday 27 February 2013

Pika the cat!

So, we have a new addition to our little family. A little kitten. We found her loitering outside our flat a few weeks ago and after much agonising, we took her in.

We had talked about getting a kitten, but never thought it would actually happen! It is quite common for internationals here to end up taking various pets back home. If we are honest with ourselves, it is probably not the most sensible decision we have ever made, but I know we can make it work and more importantly give her a nice home!

The vet reckons she about 4 months old. She is a little tabby cat with a white chest and a kind of tiger print on her front legs and she has a spotty tummy (thus her name, Pika, which is spot in Bosnian).

I am getting used to having an animal to care for, she is quite a vocal creature and for something so small she can make a lot of noise! It took us a couple of disturbed (and frustrating) evenings to realise that we could not ignore the meowing and she just simply wanted us to play with her. Ever since, she has been much better and she seems to be settling in nicely.

The only downside of a cat (especially living in a flat) is the litter tray. No matter how clean you keep them, they always seems to smell. I am struggling a little bit with this and have moved the tray out of the sitting room into the spare room we don’t use and am hoping this might help.

All in all, the positives outweigh the negatives and it is always lovely to get home to a little face waiting for you at the door!


1 comment:

  1. Em this is awesome news! Pika is so cute. Must meet her soon. x
